The book with SHICRET, the 7-Step Method to Cheating Successfully.
Everything you can imagine and more, you can consult me. I will help you. Request your Consultation Now!
Book that defines the reality that we have in the XXI century, where they are leaving aside the "typical" relationships and is evolving towards polyamory and open relationships. 100% recommended, you will not be disappointed.
It is a very inspiring personal guide. A good amount of time spent: it is entertaining and complete. Recommended to have a good time and rediscover yourself.
Without falling into apology, it conveys first-hand experiences. It is a very interesting subject if you put aside your Judaeo-Christian morality, relax and enjoy the author's incredible life. I think we'll have a Netflix series in a couple of years.
It is one of those books that makes you think. Surely the next generations with more and more polyamorous relationships will understand infidelity in a very different way than our parents. I find the approach it conveys for not feeling guilty about being unfaithful very interesting.
Entertaining, direct and enlightening. An anti-classical version of infidelity and very interesting experiences.
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